
First you need to install Julia. MIToS' stable version can be installed by typing on the Julia REPL:

using Pkg

If everything goes well with the installation, MIToS will be loaded without errors by typing:

using MIToS

You can optionally do an exhaustive test of your installed version of MIToS with Pkg.test (it takes few minutes):

using Pkg

Ways to run Julia

Julia REPLBuilt-in Julia command line. Start an Julia interactive session (REPL) by double-clicking the Julia executable or running julia from the system command line.
JuliaBoxYou can try Julia from your web browser. No installation is required.
IJuliaJupyter/IPython notebook for Julia.
JunoIntegrated Development Environment (IDE).

Plots installation

Julia plotting capabilities are available through external packages. MIToS makes use of RecipesBase to define plot recipes, which can be plotted using Plots and different backends. You need to install Plots to plot MIToS objects:

using Pkg

And you also need to install at least one of the following backends:

using Pkg
Pkg.add("GR") # Fast
Pkg.add("PlotlyJS") # Interactive

You need to load Plots in order to use the plot function. There is more information about it in the Plots documentation.

using Plots

To generate graph (network), arc and chord (circo) plots, you also need to install and load GraphRecipes.


using GraphRecipes

Scripts location

The MIToS’ scripts are located in the MIToS/scripts folder and can be runned from your system command line. It’s possible to ask Julia for the location of the installed package using:

import MIToS
joinpath(splitdir(dirname(pathof(MIToS)))[1], "scripts")

You might want to add this folder into your PATH to easily access MIToS’ scripts. For example, in bash you can do it by adding the path of the MIToS script folder into the ~/.bashrc file. The println output shows the line to add to that file:

import MIToS
println("export PATH=\"\$PATH:", joinpath(splitdir(dirname(pathof(MIToS)))[1], "scripts"), "\"")